Gentrification is the process of renewal and rebuilding accompaying the influx of middle class or affluent people into decorating areas that often displaces poorer resident. In downtown Brooklyn many condos are being build and are taking more spaces in the areas. It sad to know that the prices are too high for poorer people and cannot afford to stay in the states they love like New York. There are many areas where gentrification take places but I could only talk about New York because I am living it right now.
Is there a way to stop gentrification? I don't know. I be thinking about the one who build the condos. Maybe they were poor before and graduated form college in architecture and the only thing they be thinking is doing there dreams. I really think that we should find a way to convince people to leave in harmonies no matter what statues they are. Like Obama said "Yes we can" and we did it so don't tell me that this is impossible.