Thursday, January 15, 2009

I can't wait to start working

I want to start working so I could buy some stuff for college and personal stuff
I hope I will be able to continue my after school program because I really love what I do
I ain't going no where ya b*tchzz
loll hater me or love me I ain't care
I'm living my life
I'm happy because in my voice class
I got a solo part in a song called Golden by jill scott
and I love that song
the word hypnotized me
I always knew I could sing
But I would of never think that could be possible for me
to sing in front of a audition
and want to continue doing it
You never know maybe one day I be a singer

Saturday my last class of collegenow

Collegenow is like a AP class
Ap class is to take college class in your school
and collegenow it outside your school
I take my class each Saturday at New York City of technology
It Africana folkclore studies
we do a lot of writing and research of folkclore
It a interesting class and I love my teacher
She is nice and make it clear to understand the subject
to take these class you need to have 75% and above on your regent

yeahh no school monday

Today it snowing and I'm happy
because it no cold and winter with out snow
is like eating a egg and bacon bagel with out cheese
This week end I'm going to relax

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I ate searching for scholarship

It really kill me to know that I have to work to pay for college
It too expensive and I won't have the time to chill
That why I am lazy right now because I realize that college is no
joke. I won't even have the time to have friend
Oh well If I think about it twice I don't need friend
But doing essay for scholarship
really get on my nerve

Monday, January 12, 2009

6 month to go

lol I can't wait to graduate
There only 6 month to go and I don't know
what to wear for prom
I don't even know if i'm going
well I think about it

Let me sing!!!!!!!!

Since I been in voice class
I been singing all the time and I feel happy and proud
But Sade and Samira don't want to hear me sing
and it bother me because I love to sing
to bad for them I am still gonna continue doing what I love
they will just need to close their hear
If they don't want to heard me

Learning how to play piano

I am learning to play piano at that place call the door
Many people thing that is a place for only homosexual but it not true 
There breakdance class, music production studio, tutoring, college adviser, ....ect 
There many program that might help you one day 
Before you listen to your friend go take a look if you dare 

My christmas break fly by like a air plane crash. 
I was happy at the beginning  
Planning everything for a good break 
Relax, ate, drink a little 
Next thing you know 
Back to school 
My happiness was gone
I'm happy because I finally let a space for god in my life. Lately, good thing happen to me and I realize the chance that I have to be here today. I know that I need to be patient if I want to become a business women and a singer. I know that people believe in me and are ready to help me. I'm looking for that light that will tell me to go. I will put all my effort to reach my dream.
I never thought that I will be able to forgive someone who have hurt me in the past. Yesterday I realize that there was a miss understanding and being mad at someone is a waste of time and energy. I'm hard headed and it take me a while to admit that sometime I could be wrong but I'm doing the effort to change and I don't won't my past to affect my present.