I heard a lot of gossip about jolie and brad that they are going to seperate but this is not true. Just think about it for a minute Brad had a divorce with his ex of 10 years so I don't think is gonna act stupid with her.
the 39 years old man, Brandy Green had been found guilty for stalking Tyra Banks 24 hours after Tyra had fill out a lawsuit against him.
Release the 26 May 2009 the movie X men Origins: Wolverine is the spring film that I been talk the most about. Looking good, sexy, but still scary Gavin hoods really play is character good that you really think that is him who is wolverine in real life. I did not see the movie yet but by seeing the preview X men movie. I can tell you that you won't be disappointed.
Later her ex- manger lawsuit for defamation and unpaid fee has been reported for March 8, 2010 Britney is more focus on her circus tour. I hear that her tour wasn't that good but I really think that you we have to see it before judging her
Monday, May 4, 2009
Can you belive that jamie foxx when he was in high school. Who would of though that he would become the star he is now. YOU NEVER KNOW WHERE YOUMIGHT END SO ALWAYS PERSERVERE
The last time I heard from him is when he release his song "When I'm gone" that talk about a letter that he wrote from his daughter that is saying that went he dead don't cry because he will look back at her with asmile and she should smile back because he won't feel no pain. I could under stand himffamily or fame. Fame come and golike a falling star but family is more precious then getting money because when some died you can't take back his or her life and you can't turn back in head of time so enjoy your life
Beyonce is not ready yet to make a movie. From the last movie I seen of her Obssessed she wasn't really into the character except when she was figting with the girl. She always kill it when is not expectd so I know she will develop that talent.
I know when we said legendary is based on rumor and it not confirme that is true. But we all knew that Bob Marley was the best musician in the reggae music world. Because of him we know reggae and I just wanted to put his picture on my blog because I respect him and he inspire me to live my dream to be a famous singer.
That song it true. You find any type of people that are ready to make money and go hard to survive. It look like everybody look at you to see if you are going to make or not. Everybody think that when you come to New York it to build something and they think that you making a lot of money. It a illusion, living in America ain't that easy, you have to fight and be focus on your goal to get what you want.
Yesterday my boyfriend was cooking tortilla. He forgot to turn the fire and when I open the door of his room. I just saw black smoke in the kitchen and living room. Fortunaly, the house was not on fire, it just need fresh paint and a new ventilator above the oven.
I wonder what Rihanna is doing, IS she gonna come out with a album that explain what happen BETWEEN HER AND chris BROWN or is she just gonna continue doing the same thing. Is she strong enough to continue doing what she doing. That all the question that i'm asking myself but i hope is ok and will come out stronger.
that song is so true you should listen to the lyric when he said " I know that she want to but she be fronting because she don't want to seem easy" but when the girl get drunk she don't even realize that he feeling her butt and that why he said blame it on the alcohol.
I watched the movie last friday. I was disappointed because the movie wasn't that good only the fighting part with beyonce (sharon) and Ali Larter (Lisa) was crazy. The story is (Derek) Idris Elba and Sharon move in their new house with their 4 years old son. When dereck go to his office he meet a new girl named lisa. One day he see her crying and he gave his shoulder just to be nice but she take it in the other level and doesnt care if derek is marry.
The new hot song love sex magic from Ciara feat Justin Timbaland IS HOT. Ciara is definetly a Diva. She look good and healthy i'm sure she will continue giving us her best.
I can finally said that I am a singer. I feel comfortable singing in front of people and I don't care what people might think. I know family is more important than boyfriend and friend. I'm always ready to learn and help my good friends. Life has it up and down but always be positive no matter what happen.
I always observe what happen around me because I want to know what kind of life I want to live in the future. Yesterday, I was watching the movie Notorious. It talk about the life of B.I.G before and after fame. But when he reach the top of his successful career, he started to have problem with tupac because tupac had been attacked while he was visiting B.I.G in his recording studio. That why I OBSERVE AROUND ME and I select my friend carefully because you never know with who you can chill with. It sad that they die because of a west cost or east coast thing but I know that they had the chance to lived their dreams and they will always be remember.
Yeah I'm graduating, I started to exercise, and looking for a new style for spring. by watching E news, they keep me informe about the latest style of spring. For spring 2009 Kim Kardashian had been nominated for her classic style
you have to listen to that song by Asher Roth called "I love college". It a white gars that sing why he love college. His music videos is funny and the grove of is voice make you want to listen twice to his song.
did you see the new video of britney spears it confusing I don't get the message but she look good and she look like she is going better. Tell me what you think
T. I might go to prison for 30 years because he had illegal gun possession that crazy I mean you are famous and you know a lot of people are watching you why thrown your lives aways over material.http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20262240,00.html
Being famous is not that easy. People watch everything you do and artist sometime forget where they came from but not for beyonce. She always down to earth and you never heard beyonce was drunk, or she went to prison. That why I admired, I know I won't be better singer than beyonce but if I get famous I will love to sing one of her song.
I was shock to hear what Brown did but I was surprised that she went back to him after 2 week that the incident occur.I was thinking a lot about them because some of my entourage had been affected the same way Rihanna did. At the end of the day, it their business and personal live. We can't do nothing about it and it the parent to explain to their kids what going on.
I want to start working so I could buy some stuff for college and personal stuff I hope I will be able to continue my after school program because I really love what I do I ain't going no where ya b*tchzz loll hater me or love me I ain't care I'm living my life
I'm happy because in my voice class I got a solo part in a song called Golden by jill scott and I love that song the word hypnotized me I always knew I could sing But I would of never think that could be possible for me to sing in front of a audition and want to continue doing it You never know maybe one day I be a singer
Collegenow is like a AP class Ap class is to take college class in your school and collegenow it outside your school I take my class each Saturday at New York City of technology It Africana folkclore studies we do a lot of writing and research of folkclore It a interesting class and I love my teacher She is nice and make it clear to understand the subject to take these class you need to have 75% and above on your regent
Today it snowing and I'm happy because it no cold and winter with out snow is like eating a egg and bacon bagel with out cheese This week end I'm going to relax
It really kill me to know that I have to work to pay for college It too expensive and I won't have the time to chill That why I am lazy right now because I realize that college is no joke. I won't even have the time to have friend Oh well If I think about it twice I don't need friend But doing essay for scholarship really get on my nerve
Since I been in voice class I been singing all the time and I feel happy and proud But Sade and Samira don't want to hear me sing and it bother me because I love to sing to bad for them I am still gonna continue doing what I love they will just need to close their hear If they don't want to heard me
I am learning to play piano at that place call the door
Many people thing that is a place for only homosexual but it not true
There breakdance class, music production studio, tutoring, college adviser, ....ect
There many program that might help you one day
Before you listen to your friend go take a look if you dare
My christmas break fly by like a air plane crash.
I was happy at the beginning
Planning everything for a good break
Relax, ate, drink a little
Next thing you know
Back to school
My happiness was gone
I'm happy because I finally let a space for god in my life. Lately, good thing happen to me and I realize the chance that I have to be here today. I know that I need to be patient if I want to become a business women and a singer. I know that people believe in me and are ready to help me. I'm looking for that light that will tell me to go. I will put all my effort to reach my dream.
I never thought that I will be able to forgive someone who have hurt me in the past. Yesterday I realize that there was a miss understanding and being mad at someone is a waste of time and energy. I'm hard headed and it take me a while to admit that sometime I could be wrong but I'm doing the effort to change and I don't won't my past to affect my present.